
Rob Helmer's blog posts matching the tag: mozilla

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6/15/2019 ·

Browser Engine Diversity: Lessons from Vectiv, IE, and Apple

The Importance of Browser Engine Diversity: A Lesson from Vectiv and my experience with the IE browser monopoly, guest-starring Apple


11/15/2017 ·

Announcing a new owner for Firefox Add-ons Manager component

Announcing a New Owner for the Add-ons Manager in Firefox, the component that manages extensions and themes. Links to more information about WebExtensions.


11/30/2016 ·

about:addons in React: exploration, and a prototype

Exploring a React version of Firefox's about:addons as a proof-of-concept to replace XBL and XUL, with an emphasis on reusable components and state management.


11/30/2016 ·

Exploring Firefox Add-on Manager in Rust: Enums and Match

Experimenting with a toy version of Firefox's Add-on Manager in Rust, exploring its core components and comparing Rust's features like enums and match.


11/28/2014 ·

Better Source Code Browsing With FreeBSD and Mozilla DXR

Implementing DXR, Mozilla's static analysis and code browsing tool, to improve source code comprehension and navigation within FreeBSD's complex codebase.


6/21/2014 ·

Quickly deploying Socorro to power Mozilla's crash-stats

Quickly deploying Socorro, the powerful software behind Mozilla's crash-stats service, with this straightforward guide.


4/18/2013 ·

Etherpad 2013 Meetup Videos now available on Youtube

A post about migrating Mozilla's Etherpad install from the original Etherpad to Etherpad Lite. It includes a YouTube video series from the 2013 Etherpad meetup.


12/8/2012 ·

How to capture and replay HTTP POST requests using tcpdump

A tutorial on how to capture and replay HTTP POST requests using tcpdump, a case study for testing changes in a Mozilla crash-stats service.


3/1/2012 ·

WebKit Adopts Mozilla GraphServer for Performance Tracking

The WebKit project adopts Mozilla's graph server, leveraging shared tools to enhance performance tracking and foster collaboration in open web development.


5/24/2011 ·

Perf-O-Matic: Hacking on graphs 2.0 is fun and easy

Guide on contributing to and using perf-o-matic 2.0, with setup instructions and how to add features, fix bugs, or use your own data.


5/24/2011 ·

Launch of Graphs 2.0: Real-Time Access to Production Data

Announcing the launch of version 2.0 of the graphs.mozilla.org platform, with real-time access to production data.


5/18/2011 ·

Vagrant VM Config for Socorro: Puppet Setup and CI Insights

Sharing a Vagrant virtual machine config for Socorro development, automating setup with Puppet, thoughts on continuous integration for publishing VM appliances.


3/24/2011 ·

Updates on Perf-o-matic 2.0 and Replacing Graphserver UI

Announcement and updates about the new perf-o-matic 2.0 interface. Progress on replacing the existing Mozilla Graphserver UI.


6/29/2010 ·

Testing gzip encoding on Tinderbox-stage to boost speed

Testing gzip encoding on Tinderbox-stage to boost loading speeds. Share your feedback and help refine this performance improvement!


2/19/2009 ·

HTML5 canvas love: exploring its use in web development

Exploring the HTML5 canvas and its use in web development, including discussions about excanvas for IE support and comparisons with SVG.


2/15/2009 ·

Evolving beyond Mozilla Tinderbox: to Buildbot and beyond

Journey from Tinderbox CI/CD to modern continuous integration practices, exploring how Momentum enhances deployment workflows and development automation.


7/30/2008 ·

Simplifying and speeding up the serving of Firefox updates

A discussion on simplifying and improving the process of configuring and serving updates for Mozilla-based applications


7/11/2008 ·

Releases on tap: Addressing Mozilla's Automation Challenges

Streamlining Software Releases with Automation. Discussions on Mozilla and Firefox's unique challenges when it comes to release engineering.


4/8/2008 ·

On moving from Tinderbox to Buildbot (for reals this time)

Transitioning Mozilla to Buildbot for Continuous Integration, moving fully away from the venerable Mozilla Tinderbox CI


4/2/2008 ·

Leaving MoCo after an incredible experience (2008)

Announcing departure from Mozilla Corporation after an incredible experience and transition to CustomWeather, Inc.


3/19/2008 ·

Breakout! Building a classic game using HTML5 Canvas

Building a basic Breakout clone with JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas, a fun project to practice coding and create a classic game.


3/4/2008 ·

moving 1.8 nightlies to release machines March 5 2008

Announcement about migrating nightly production to release machines for the 1.8 branch for Firefox releases, with a list of impacted machines


2/15/2008 ·

moving nightly Mozilla1.8 Firefox to release automation

Streamlining Mozilla 1.8 Nightly Builds with Release Automation, with links to bugzilla and more information. Tinderbox still in use, with help from BuildBot.


1/22/2008 ·

Empowering Volunteers: Lessons from Politics and Open Source

Volunteers bring passion and purpose, not just labor. Empower them to contribute their best, whether in politics or open-source projects.


1/17/2008 ·

Launch of Tinderbox JSON API (0.1): Simplified Data Access

Launch of the Tinderbox JSON API (tinderboxJsonApi 0.1), a simpler and more accessible way to interact with Tinderbox data.


1/10/2008 ·

Build-on-Checkin Automation: Concerns and System Trade-Offs

Addressing concerns regarding build-on-checkin automation. Contrasting the trade-offs for the current and proposed systems.


12/29/2007 ·

Improving Firefox Builds with CI and Performance Testing

Improving Firefox Build and Performance Testing. Discussions on continuous integration and building only as needed.


12/19/2007 ·

Automating Mozilla 1.8 Releases with Buildbot Nightlies

Setting up release automation for the Mozilla 1.8 branch using Buildbot to generate nightly and dependent builds


12/6/2007 ·

Migrating Mozilla Automation from Tinderbox to Buildbot

Migrating from Tinderbox to Buildbot for Mozilla automation, improving cycle times, centralized management, and closer alignment between nightly and release.


11/25/2007 ·

Updates on the process of migrating Tinderbox to Buildbot

Transitioning Firefox Nightly Builds to a new release automation CI/CD system based on Buildbot instead of Mozilla's venerably Tinderbox


9/2/2007 ·

JSON Mode and Performance Upgrade: now with 100% more AJAX

Introduction of a more AJAX-driven Tinderbox waterfall, using the new Tinderbox JSON output mode. The post discusses performance improvements.


9/2/2007 ·

Hands-Off Firefox Releases with Buildbot: Speed & Efficiency

Progress towards hands-off releases for Firefox with Buildbot-enabled release automation, aimed at improving the speed and efficiency.


8/29/2007 ·

Tinderbox JSON Update: Testing and UI Backend Insights

Tinderbox JSON Output Update, and a call for testing. Discussion into current UI techniques and using Mozilla Tinderbox as a backend.


5/20/2007 ·

Releases: On Bootstraps, And Pulling Oneself Up By One's

Explore how Bootstrap automation scripts enhance release quality and ensure consistency for streamlined development workflows.


2/10/2007 ·

Buildbot 'try' support for one-off Mozilla Firefox builds

Exploring Buildbot integration for Mozilla, including the creation of a custom Buildbot 'try' server for one-off builds.


11/1/2006 ·

The Automaton: Automating Firefox and Thunderbird releases

Automating the release process for Firefox and Thunderbird with a custom workflow, using tools like Buildbot, SVK, and Subversion.


10/14/2006 ·

Mozilla Release Automation Update: Progress and Challenges

An update on the progress of release automation at Mozilla, discussing the completed steps, challenges faced in automation and verification.