
Updates on Perf-o-matic 2.0 and Replacing Graphserver UI

Announcement and updates about the new perf-o-matic 2.0 interface. Progress on replacing the existing Mozilla Graphserver UI.

Rob Helmer

Rob Helmer

3/24/2011 · 1 min read

Tags: mozilla perf-o-matic

Picture of a graph showing a line going down

First of all, thank you for all the feedback for the new perf-o-matic 2.0 interface! It has been overwhelmingly positive and is utterly invaluable.

To avoid the time and expense of having to wheedle information out of me, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:

  • the data on staging updates every night from production, at 00:01 Pacific. This can take a few hours, expect data to be spotty until 3 or so.
  • staging has been moved to graphs.allizom.org (the old advertised link will redirect)
  • Still using wiki.m.o/Perfomatic:UI for tracking high-level issues, but have started moving over to bugzilla and also triaging open bugs targeted for the older (current) version
  • production machine acquired (bug 627446), waiting on database access (bug 642258)

Current plan is to have the new production server hosted at graphs-new.m.o, which will have read-only access to production at first (I’d like to get some good automated tests in place before we start receiving data, since outages can mean tree closure).

Any thoughts? Feel free to comment here, ping me in irc, or file a bug in product Webtools component Graphserver version 2.0.